Saving our food
Gaia Solutions prevents food losses due to diseases! Using satellites & in-situ sensor data we detect anomalies in the fields in order to prevent sick crops! Crop diseases, fungi, insects and other threats can be detected and prevented!
Our user-oriented design makes incredible space-technology and cutting-edge machine learning useful to everybody. Accessible on all major platforms and as web-application. To YOU!
Detailed knowledge about the exact conditions of your field will help you to save not only water but all resources.
No more waste.
We get all the relevant measurements from satellite and optionally in-situ sensors for you. Analyzed for your farming needs with early warnings and predictions .
Magic. This is what it looks & feels like.
Science. This is what it is.
Nothing. This is what you put in.
Healthy crops. This is what you get out.
A mind-blowing selection of satellite-imagery layers at your fingertips. See your ground with eyes from space!
Knowing that something is wrong with your crops is all good, but not too helpful. We provide you with informed suggestions about the best proven strategies to resolve your specific problem and SAVE OUR FOOD!
We believe collaborations are the ones that will help you overtake the yourself. So we choose carefully the ones we trust.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
Numenta has developed a cohesive theory, core software technology, and numerous applications all based on principles of the neocortex. This technology lays the groundwork for the new era of machine intelligence. Our innovative work delivers breakthrough capabilities and demonstrates that a computing approach based on biological learning principles will make possible a new generation of capabilities not possible with today’s programmed computers.
Ramani, Swahilli for ‘map’, is the name of the Maps-API we use that supports ingesting time-series from ESA’s latest Sentinel-2 imager! This allows us to focus on maximising the capabilities of our app avoiding unnecessary ground work on EO-data signal enhancement, web-mapping concepts (i.e. WMS), and map presentation mechanics. Time, we believe, better spend on helping you, our customer!
Smart Citizen is a platform to generate participatory processes of people in the cities. Connecting data, people and knowledge, the objective of the platform is to serve as a node for building productive and open indicators, and distributed tools, and thereafter the collective construction of the city for its own inhabitants
Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment
The Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment curriculum and research activities focus on: delivering high quality agricultural education, development of innovative knowledge and know-how, and transferring the new knowledge to the society in local, national and international level.